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Stereo RIAA solid-state phono-amplifier of exceptional quality. Clear open sound, very low THD and sufficient current to drive a pre-amp and another line-level amplifier simultaniously. Utilises a split-rail power supply that provides exceptional linearity for enhanced dynamics and a tube-like warmth that is never fatiguing. Requires -/+12v to -/+15v power supply

Ready-built PCB requires connectors to be purchased separately and soldered on. See datasheet for details
Ready Built: £69
Bare PCB: £14
Very low-noise stereo head-amp; adds moving-coil capability to ZinAmp's Valve Phono Amplifier. Amplifies the small-signal from a moving-coil phono cartridge to an amplitude suitable for a normal RIAA pre-amp. Selectable gain-levels and input-loadings for your particular MC cartridge.

Ready-built PCB requires connectors to be purchased separately and soldered on. See datasheet for details.
Ready Built: £59
Bare PCB: £14
Reduces unwanted turntable and disc-surface noise by cross-feeding frequncies below 100Hz to mono.

Based on unique research, this filter achives a far superior 18dB/oct, where most other cross-feed filters only achive 6dB/oct and have to begin cross-feeding at a much higher frequency to achieve a similar effect. An 18dB filter is much less intrusive and leaves full stereo separation untouched, whilst adding no unwanted 'flanging' sounds or similar effects.

Requires a split rail DC supply - recommended -15vDC and +15vDC.
Ready Built: £49
Bare PCB: £12
Regulating Power Supply for use with external DC supplies like desk-top, wall-wart or laptop adaptors. Filters out noise and hash from these switch-mode supplies, providing very clean DC suitable for use with solid-state phono-stages and pre-amps. Designed to work with a 30vDC supply and provide a regulated split-rail voltage of -/+12v. These will power our solid state MM and MC phono modules as well as our active crossovers. Voltages can be changed with some component swaps.

Ready-built PCB requires connectors to be purchased separately and soldered on. See datasheet for details
Ready Built: £54
Bare PCB: £11